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Produkt zum Begriff Story:

  • Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story
    Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story

    In Presenting to Win: Persuading Your Audience Every Time, the world's #1 presentation consultant shows how to connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences--and move them to action. Jerry Weissman shows presenters of all kinds how to dump those PowerPoint templates once and for all--and learn to tell compelling stories that focus on what's in it for their listeners. Drawing on dozens of practical examples and real case studies, Weissman shows presenters how to identify their real goals and messages before they even open PowerPoint; how to stay focused on what their listeners really care about; and how to capture their audiences in the first crucial 90 seconds. From bullets and graphics to the effective, sparing use of special effects, Weissman covers all the practical mechanics of effective presentation--and walks readers through every step of building a Power Presentation, from brainstorming through delivery. Unlike the techniques in other presentation books, this book's easy, step-by-step approach has been proven with billions of dollars on the line, in hundreds of IPO road shows before the world's most jaded investors.   Foreword to the Paperback Edition  xxiii Preface: What’s Past Is Prologue  xxvii Introduction: The Wizard of Aaaahs  xxix Chapter One: You and Your Audience  3 Chapter Two: The Power of the WIIFY  15 Chapter Three: Getting Creative: The Expansive Art of Brainstorming  27 Chapter Four: Finding Your Flow  51 Chapter Five: Capturing Your AudienceImmediately  83 Chapter Six: Communicating Visually  109 Chapter Seven: Making the Text Talk  123 Chapter Eight: Making the Numbers Sing  143 Chapter Nine: Using Graphics to Help Your Story Flow  157 Chapter Ten: Bringing Your Story to Life  189 Chapter Eleven: Customizing Your Presentation  215 Chapter Twelve: Pitching in the Majors  231 Chapter Thirteen: Animating Your Graphics  237 Chapter Fourteen: The Virtual Presentation  257 Appendix A: Tools of the Trade  273 Appendix B: Presentation Checklists  277 Acknowledgments  283 Index  287

    Preis: 6.41 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gombrich, Eh: The Story of Art
    Gombrich, Eh: The Story of Art

    The Story of Art , Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text - the ideal gift for every art connoisseur and student For more than 70 years Sir Ernst Gombrich's  The Story of Art  has been a global bestseller - with more than 8 million copies sold - the perfect introduction to art history, from the earliest cave paintings to art of the twentieth century, a masterpiece of clarity and personal insight. This classic book is currently in its 16th edition, and has been translated into more than 30 languages and published in numerous formats and editions. This luxury edition, with its bespoke cloth cover and preface by Professor Gombrich's granddaughter Leonie,  is the ultimate gift purchase for all art lovers - a keepsake to treasure, and to inspire future generations. A global bestseller for over five decades, this luxury edition is perfect for collectors, connoisseurs, and the millions of people who have grown up reading and loving this classic companion. | Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text - the ideal gift for every art connoisseur and student   | "Like every art historian of my generation, my way of thinking about pictures has been in large measure shaped by Ernst Gombrich. I was 15 when I read The Story of Art and like millions since, I felt I had been given a map of a great country, and with it the confidence to explore further without fear of being overwhelmed."- Neil MacGregor, former Director of the National Gallery, London, 1995 "Almost as well known as the Mona Lisa, Sir ErnstGombrich's The Story of Art unites learning and pleasure."- Pierre Rosenberg, Président-Directeur, Musée du Louvre, Paris "More people... have been introduced to the world of fine art, in the last 45 years, though Ernst Gombrich's The Story of Art than through any other single book."- Christopher Frayling, Professor of Cultural History, Royal College of Art, London "The country's bestselling book on art, never out of print, still in demand (and not just by students) and one of the few 'gift books' that actually gets read. The work is not so simplistic as the title implies, but it is this very title that rendered the book enormously attractive in 1950 to a new sort of book buyer: the self-educator. This field was set to grow, publishers eagerly wooing punters into buying the one big book on every impossibly massive but key subject. But with Gombrich, art was all sewn up."- The Times " The Story of Art has just about everything you need to follow the course of art from cave painting to David Hockney. I am surprised it's not yet been placed in hotels on the bedside table along with Gideon's Bible since Gombrich is as authoritative as the voice of God. The book has always been a pleasure to read and handle, the colour plates, now with many new additions, are excellent and the text is clear and straightforward, devoid of both pedantry and academic tedium."- The Birmingham Post "As a humane, uncomplicated but unpatronising account of art from prehistoric cave daubs to twentieth-century splurges, Gombrich's Story of Art is just what its title promises: more of a story than a work of reference, yet that as well."- Business Weekly "A wise and wide-ranging introduction to art history that will last and last."- The List "Lucid and endlessly informative."- The Good Book Guide "His populist approach comes from his childhood in Vienna, where art was for everyone, not just for stuffed shirts."- The Mail on Sunday "Thinking about building your dream library and brightening your coffee table with eye-candy and conversation starters? Look no further than Phaidon books."- Big Life Magazine "Gombrich's The Story of Art was the very first book I bought on Art... An ideal book for anybody who is just discovering Art for the first time. He is accessible without talking down. He looks at the great masterpieces and only writes about what he can illustrate. The illustrations are wonderful."- "...Has made art history accessible to generations of readers."- The Hollywood Reporter Online "The ultimate gift purchase for all art lovers - a perfect keepsake to treasure and to inspire future generations."- "One of the most accessible introductions to the history of visual arts... This cloth bound luxury edition [...] is a joy to the eye."- Mint (India) "What could be a better gift for an art connoisseur than Ernst Gombrich's classic art history book, The Story of Art ? It is undoubtedly one of the most popular art books of all time and has been a global bestseller for more than 60 years. It's the perfect introduction to art history, covering everything from the Palaeolithic cave paintings in Lascaux, France, to 20th-century modern art - all of which is beautifully illustrated in the book. The book also comes in a luxury edition with an exquisite clothbound hardback that art lovers will cherish." - JetWings (India) "E.H. Gombrich's authoritative yet easy to read tome has been the introduction to art history for the past seven decades. Whether she's an art history aficionado or someone who wants to arm herself with knowledge for her next gallery or museum visit, The Story of Art will do the job. This luxury print makes for a brilliant coffee table addition and an eye-opening read." - | Ernst Gombrich was one of the greatest and least conventional art historians of his age, achieving fame and distinction in three separate spheres: as a scholar, as a popularizer of art, and as a pioneer of the application of the psychology of perception to the study of art. His best-known book,  The Story of Art  - first published 50 years ago and now in its sixteenth edition - is one of the most influential books ever written about art. His books further include  The Sense of Order  (1979) and  The Preference for the Primitive  (2002), as well as a total of 11 volumes of collected essays and reviews. Gombrich was born in Vienna in 1909 and died in London in November 2001. He came to London in 1936 to work at the Warburg Institute, where he eventually became Director from 1959 until his retirement in 1976. He won numerous international honours, including a knighthood, the Order of Merit and the Goethe, Hegel and Erasmus prizes. Gifted with a powerful mind and prodigious memory, he was also an outstanding communicator, with a clear and forceful prose style. His works are models of good art-historical writing and reflect his humanism and his deep and abiding concern with the standards and values of our cultural heritage. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 48.88 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Edition
    Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story, Updated and Expanded Edition

    Thirty million presentations will be given today. Millions will fail. Millions more will be received with yawns. A rare few will establish the most profound connection, in which presenter and audience understand each other perfectly…discover common ground… and, together, decide to act.   In this fully updated edition, Jerry Weissman, the world’s #1 presentation consultant, shows how to connect with even the toughest, most high-level audiences...and move them to action! He teaches presenters of all kinds how to dump those PowerPoint templates once and for all and tell compelling stories that focus on what’s in it for the audience.   Weissman’s techniques have proven themselves with billions of dollars on the line. Thousands of his elite clients have already mastered them. Now it’s your turn!   •   What you must do to tell your story      Focus before Flow: identifying your real goals and message   •   The power of the WIIFY: What’s In It For You      Staying focused on what your audience really wants   •   Capture your audience in 90 seconds… and never let go!      Opening Gambits and compelling linkages   •   Master the art of online Web conferencing      Connecting with your invisible audience   •   From brainstorming through delivery      Crafting the Power Presentation, one step at a time   Named by FORTUNE Magazine as a "Must-Read"   "Jerry Weissman makes the challenge of producing and delivering effective presentations delightfully simple. Read it and benefit!" Tim Koogle,Founding CEO, Yahoo!   “A great read for all of us who have ever struggled with any aspect of our public speaking skills. Presenting to Win contains the same timeless techniques that helped me [18] years ago.” Jeff Raikes, former President, Microsoft Business Division, Microsoft Corporation, and CEO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation   “Jerry is The Man when it comes to making great pitches. If your pitch doesn’t get a whole lot better after reading this book, something is wrong with you.” Guy Kawasaki, Managing Director and Chairman, Garage Technology Ventures, and bestselling author of The Art of the Start   “Presenting to Win is the shortest path to applause for any presenter. It will be your bible for the PowerPoint Age. It’s loaded with easy actions and real examples that really work. I’ve used them. I know.” Scott Cook, Founder, Intuit      

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Gombrich, E. H.: The Story of Art
    Gombrich, E. H.: The Story of Art

    The Story of Art , 'Anyone looking for the most readable survey of the history of art from the [sic] cave paintings to the 20th century should buy the new, beautifully produced pocket edition of  The Story of Art , still one of the great classics of art criticism.' -   Independent A cornerstone of art history - in a compact yet readable format and with a new preface by the author's granddaughter  The Story of Art  has been a global bestseller for over half a century - the finest and most popular introduction ever written, published globally in more than 30 languages. Attracted by the simplicity and clarity of his writing, readers of all ages and backgrounds have found in Professor Gombrich a true master, who combines knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating his deep love of the subject. Updated with a stunning new cover and a preface written specially by Professor Gombrich's granddaughter Leonie, this pocket format allows Gombrich's classic work to continue its triumphant progress for another generation, and to remain the title of first choice for all newcomers to art and its history. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 25.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man auf Episode: Choose Your Story eigene Kleidung erstellen?

    Leider ist es nicht möglich, auf Episode: Choose Your Story eigene Kleidung zu erstellen. Das Spiel bietet eine Auswahl an vorgefertigten Kleidungsstücken, die du für deine Charaktere auswählen kannst. Du kannst jedoch aus verschiedenen Optionen wählen, um den Look deiner Charaktere anzupassen und sie individuell zu gestalten.

  • Ist der Film "Sword Art" wichtig für die Story?

    "Sword Art" ist der Name einer Anime-Serie und nicht eines spezifischen Films. Die Serie erzählt die Geschichte von Kirito, einem Spieler in einer virtuellen Welt. Es gibt mehrere Filme, die als Ergänzung zur Handlung der Serie dienen, aber sie sind nicht unbedingt wichtig, um die Hauptgeschichte zu verstehen. Sie bieten jedoch zusätzliche Hintergrundinformationen und Charakterentwicklungen.

  • Zählt der Instagram-Story-Zähler, wenn jemand meine Story repostet?

    Nein, der Instagram-Story-Zähler zählt nicht, wenn jemand deine Story repostet. Der Zähler zählt nur die Anzahl der Personen, die deine Story direkt angesehen haben. Wenn jemand deine Story repostet, wird sie als separate Story auf dem Profil der Person angezeigt und hat ihren eigenen Zähler.

  • Kann man die Instagram-Story einer anderen Person in einer Instagram-Story teilen?

    Ja, es ist möglich, die Instagram-Story einer anderen Person in deiner eigenen Instagram-Story zu teilen. Dazu musst du die gewünschte Story öffnen und auf das Flugzeug-Symbol tippen, um sie weiterzuleiten. Anschließend kannst du sie in deiner eigenen Story posten. Beachte jedoch, dass dies nur bei öffentlichen Profilen möglich ist und du die Erlaubnis des ursprünglichen Story-Erstellers haben solltest.

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  • Wie teile ich eine Story?

    Um eine Story zu teilen, öffne zuerst die App oder Plattform, auf der sich die Story befindet. Suche dann die Story, die du teilen möchtest, und tippe auf das Teilen-Symbol. Wähle anschließend aus, ob du die Story in deinen eigenen Beiträgen teilen möchtest oder sie an Freunde senden möchtest. Du kannst die Story auch in deinen Stories oder Status teilen, je nachdem, welche Option verfügbar ist. Bestätige abschließend die Auswahl und die Story wird geteilt.

  • Welche Animes haben eine Story?

    Es gibt viele Animes, die eine Story haben. Einige Beispiele sind "Attack on Titan", "Death Note", "One Piece" und "Fullmetal Alchemist". Diese Animes erzählen eine fortlaufende Geschichte mit einer klaren Handlung und Charakterentwicklung.

  • Ist American Horror Story gruselig?

    Ja, American Horror Story wird oft als gruselig empfunden, da die Serie viele erschreckende und verstörende Szenen enthält. Die verschiedenen Staffeln behandeln unterschiedliche Horrorthemen, die die Zuschauer zum Gruseln bringen können. Die düstere Atmosphäre, unheimliche Charaktere und unvorhersehbaren Handlungsstränge tragen dazu bei, dass die Serie als gruselig wahrgenommen wird. Letztendlich ist die Gruseligkeit von American Horror Story jedoch subjektiv und hängt von den individuellen Ängsten und Vorlieben des Zuschauers ab.

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